Scottish Politics and Referendum News - aggregated

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About this site and how to contact us

Email us: rob(at) (yes, use the @ symbol)

I'm an expat Scot, who created a basic version of this site for my own daily summary of Scottish political stories, then realised other people may find it useful:

  • if you want a quick summary of daily developments in Scottish politics, elections and the repercussions of the Referendum
  • if you are like me and only have a short time each day to look at the new stories and want an easy way to read only the ones which really interest you, from various sources
  • if you are someone who likes to make comments on political stories - most of the links here go to pages you can leave comments on.

Some of the links will inevitably be duplicates, as I feature other good aggregators, and multiple Google news searches.

This is also true of the Archive, which is just a copy of what appears on the site for a particular day.

The selection and arrangement of sources may appear strange and random, until you realise all sources, newspaper sites, commentary and blogs have a point of view: unionist or nationalist, even the newspaper and mass media sites which like to still portray themselves as not taking sides. The Yes/No, nationalist/unionist divide is the main fault line in Scottish politics, rather than the old left/right divide. As every source takes one side or the other, there is no point separating traditional media and blogs in the listings, since no news source is more 'objective' than any other.

If you want to recommend a source with an RSS feed (most blogs have one by default) send it to me at the address above. It must be mainly about Scottish politics to be considered.

Thanks to Carp for the aggregation scripts.

Robert Pollock, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

